What are you applying for:
GMName :
EricAge :
16Where do you live/Timezone:
Iowa, Central timezone.
How active will you be:
Fairly active, as much as I can. I generally rack in a lot of hours a day, some more some less.E-Mail:
ericbphotos@live.comHobbies :
Photography (check it out if you want )http://www.flickr.com/photos/eericbishopp/ Graphic Design, Not sports, playing soulms,How you'd handle a hacker :
I would !ban them, hackers = no no If two people were fighting, what would you do? :
Try and resolve their problems if not decide what further punishment to make
How many servers have you been a GM/Admin in?(list them):
Just a small one that I can't remember the name of, it was fairly small so lets just not count it. Why should we choose you:
I would be active, fun, host events, do my dutys as a gm, and stop people from being bad!Reason i applied:
I liked being a GM on a little server and I enjoyed hosting events and solving peoples problems and just getting to know other members so maybe I could be a better GM on a better server <3Summary of yourself : I am fairly easy to get a long with, i'm a pretty nice guy and if you are respectful to me i'll respect you back.
Extra Info:
I enjoy graphic design and i'm learning some web design stuff so I might be able to help with something for the server
How long does it take for the earth to go around the sun?:
365 days In game name:
(For Coders only) Can you Java code? :
No, but I've always wanted to learn, so maybe now is my time to learn.If so please supply examples of what you've coded. (The actual code or screenshots of the thing you made.)
Thank you.
Simple questions. (1-2 word replies please)
1.Do you know the players/staff well enough to be chosen?
Somewhat2.Have you been on Soul MS long enough to deserve a GM position:
Not really3.Do you help players any chance you get:
Yes4.Are you of the age that is required to apply(if no you might as well delete this app now):
5.Please specify exactly(or around) how long you have been playing Soul MS:
One week