What are you applying for: Supervision of the server (Hacker checking, Problem solving- ETC)
Name : Tyler
Age : 18 (19 In June)
Where do you live/Timezone: Central (United states)
How active will you be: I am on anywhere from 2PM-8AM.
Kttj5922@hotmail.comHobbies : Gaming, Anime, Hentai, Drawing, Maplestory, League of Legends, Making Friends online. MINEEEEEEEEEECRAFT!
How you'd handle a hacker : Stalk, Pix, Warn(1hr Ban), Repeating-BANHAMMER Perm.
If two people were fighting, what would you do? : Whisper to BRING it to whisper, Isolation to work it out, Warn, Mute 1HR, Instead of Ban I like for them to work it out in a different way- I like to tell them that the only way you two are going to play SoulMS is if you work togather and BOTH of you must finish this JQ to leave. If you finish it I will even reward you with a mark if you work well togather and forgive and forget.
Working with people and giving a reward for doing the right thing is always nice, why punish a mis-communication?
How many servers have you been a GM/Admin in?(list them): None!
Why should we choose you: I'm friendly and like to have fun.
Reason i applied: No Gms ever online when I am XD!
Summary of yourself : Level-headed Vanilla World of Warcraft player(Quit), was in AFJROTC and learned the importance of order, work hard on ALMOST everything... I love to smile, I love to laugh, I love music~! TRIPLE I LOVE'S GRAMMA NAZI! TAKE THAT SOCIETY!
Extra Info:
How long does it take for the earth to go around the sun?: Depends, leap-year can vary depending on the amount of time from 0 it has started, every year adds approx .7 - 1.7 seconds, adding from the original date of starting it varys every year by a certain amount of time and even the heat gathered from the earth effects the speed and intertia of the moon which causes a ripple in the Earth's orbit in a slight way- if you are asking me this I cannot tell. But... A year is USUALLY 356 Days, excluding leapyears.
In game name: Mela ( I don't want this as my GM I worked too hard :S ) I still want to have a Legit!
(For Coders only) Can you Java code? : N/A
If so please supply examples of what you've coded. (The actual code or screenshots of the thing you made.)