This server's full of asses. all the old players are gone. all these new people think they know shit.
They act like they're all that. If you "GM"s don't mind. please have them know how to speak english and have basic manners before playing this server. This server is great and i dont want people like Ordinary or Nigguh ruining it. and those aren't the only two. just two i was arguing with today cause they're idiotic 7 year olds who don't know the difference between
"umadbro" and "i'm fucking annoying"
pisses the shit outta me. All the old players that i KNOW are either GMs or they quit. so i feel like an outcast ya know?
Alright Anna, Yen, Kristine, and others that i knew a while back. I don't see you on often, but i wish you luck on these annoying assholes. I literally look up to you guys for being able to handle people like them for so long. anyways. peace.
Edited. Listening to Hugo. Can't let these kids mess with me.