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 TokeWolf untrue ban

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Join date : 2010-11-09

TokeWolf untrue ban Empty
PostSubject: TokeWolf untrue ban   TokeWolf untrue ban EmptyTue Nov 09, 2010 10:47 pm

What were you banned for: so called "ignoring Gm's"

Who banned you: Leek

Why should we unban you: Leek chose to give me the Kenta reports for mount skill,
he chose to break rules witch i wasnt aware of for gm's. i used the mount skill, until
leek threatened me, to make a new char, and he wont ban me, i went to transfer items
to obey his little blackmail, upon logging in i was "dc'ed" but i was actually banned,
leek being an irresponsible "Raging GM" is not my fault, so me being banned was
an act of pure illogical rage, not based on a liable reason.

Any extra info: I said the same thing i said to anna and objection, i asked if i could get
the kenta reports, that the quest to get them, the boxes were "glitched/bugged"
leek just chose to give me them. not my fault, and he originally promised me
he would be able to make my remade charachter into a lvl 125 bishop,
and i would be able to keep all my equips and items, this promise was so called
canceled due to me, and i quote, "pushing" leek.

please take this into consideration, i love your server and would never do anything
to harm it, or draw attention away from it. thank you for reading this.
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TokeWolf untrue ban Empty
PostSubject: Re: TokeWolf untrue ban   TokeWolf untrue ban EmptyTue Nov 09, 2010 11:09 pm

Alright. Let's take this out and analyze this.

TokeWolf wrote:

Why should we unban you: Leek chose to give me the Kenta reports for mount skill, he chose to break rules witch i wasnt aware of for gm's.
Blatant lie, you contradict yourself about not being awared when you stated that you asked Objection and Anna. You must've known it was against the rules if they didn't do it. You are right that I gave you the items, but you tricked me. Yes I'm at fault for not clarifying with another GM, and giving you the items. You told me it was a glitch, I assumed so 'cause I couldn't do it either. You were lying in game infront of Objection and me telling me it was a bug then it was glitch mixing up your words. Making it sound like I gave you the items without any reason.

TokeWolf wrote:

i used the mount skill, until
leek threatened me, to make a new char, and he wont ban me, i went to transfer items
to obey his little blackmail, upon logging in i was "dc'ed" but i was actually banned
At no point did I threaten you. I told you not to use it, until further notice to see how it goes when my superior gets on. So we were in FM, you confronted me and disrespected me. I let it slide because it wasn't nothing big. You kept pushing, and getting on my nerves trying to prove your point that it was my choice that I gave you the items, when I didn't argue anything against that, when I actually agreed I'm at some fault.

TokeWolf wrote:

he originally promised me
he would be able to make my remade charachter into a lvl 125 bishop,
and i would be able to keep all my equips and items, this promise was so called
canceled due to me, and i quote, "pushing" leek.
At no point did I promise you anything. If you ask anybody I know, any of the other GMs or the regulars on who know me. They know how I act. I keep my cool, and do things collectively. Back to what I said, I said we'd wait to see how things goes 'til I speak to my superior.

My side of this story.
I warped her, told her not use the skill because it's not fair, and to wait to see things go in the future. We go our seperate ways, we both end up in FM, she disrespects me, and tries to prove her point that this is all my fault, when I agreed there was fault on my part. But she kept pushing, saying it was my fault, and flashing the mount skill. I then said to tell her to delete her character and make a new one, and she ended up coming back on. Because if this were to be dealt with properly with a superior, I'm pretty sure she'd end up being wiped. I'd know this because I was a previous admin for LightMS.

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Join date : 2010-11-09

TokeWolf untrue ban Empty
PostSubject: Re: TokeWolf untrue ban   TokeWolf untrue ban EmptyTue Nov 09, 2010 11:13 pm

ERm, at the end of your post, i did not flash the mount on purpose, the mount i had was on my "." key and my chair is on my "," key, clearly an accident, i logged back on to frikken transfer items!
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TokeWolf untrue ban Empty
PostSubject: Re: TokeWolf untrue ban   TokeWolf untrue ban EmptyThu Dec 02, 2010 5:31 am

TokeWolf,you shouldn't be raging at Leek,in your story he said he would help you,when in reality GMs aren't allowed to give, "freebies," so i have to go with Leek on this one,you:
A) Lied.
B) Disrespected a GM.
and C) You did not obey orders from a GM.
This was basically your fault if you think about it,you really should calm down,and one question,are you doing this to get Leek off the GM list?
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TokeWolf untrue ban Empty
PostSubject: Re: TokeWolf untrue ban   TokeWolf untrue ban EmptyThu Dec 02, 2010 3:32 pm

Alexander wrote:
TokeWolf,you shouldn't be raging at Leek,in your story he said he would help you,when in reality GMs aren't allowed to give, "freebies," so i have to go with Leek on this one,you:
A) Lied.
B) Disrespected a GM.
and C) You did not obey orders from a GM.
This was basically your fault if you think about it,you really should calm down,and one question,are you doing this to get Leek off the GM list?

This was posted on the NINTH.
Why are you even responding to it............?
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TokeWolf untrue ban Empty
PostSubject: Re: TokeWolf untrue ban   TokeWolf untrue ban Empty

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